Employment needs to be opened up at NAS so students get a better education

Artistically conservative teachers do have a valid contribution to make for their strictly formalist teaching...but these teachers should be relegated to only teaching first year students to give them a good grounding in these values. Employment needs to be opened up so that some artists not working in the Modernist paradigm can be employed to add to students' education in final years enabling the student to make his/her own judgements about what art is and isn't. Currently there is a large contingent of NAS staff who refuse to accept art outside of this paradigm that they themselves work within: This limits the contribution they can make to students education as they use their positions to instill their beliefs in students rather than encouraging an open and free exploration of ideas that an art school should encourage.
Making ineffectual teachers entrenched in positions redundant is the only way I can see to reinvigorate the teaching staff. This won't happen under present management...

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